All I see and hear today in sports news is about Joe Paterno "Joe Pa" and the shame that he should have based on the sex scandal at Penn State; and I do agree with the fact that Paterno should have done more to end the situation. But, let's talk about the ACTUAL SITUATION, and who the ACTUAL CRIMINAL is here.
Jerry Sandusky is a sick, twisted pedophile who raped innocent boys and who's face should be all over this story, not Joe Pa's. At this point I think a lot of people might mistake Joe Pa as the actual criminal because of how much his face has been attached to every story about the scandal. All I'm asking is for our top media outlets to plaster the face of Sandusky on every article and news story instead of Joe Pa's. Sandusky is the true villian here and people need to recognize that.
Photo from deadspin.com